Food -Health
Solved exercise of food-health.

Food, substance consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, fat, and other nutrients used in the body of an organism to sustain growth
Need of food
Gives Energy for activity, growth, and all functions of the body such as breathing, digesting food, and keeping warm;
Materials for the growth and repair of the body, and for keeping the immune system healthy.
Some of the nutrients

1) carbohydrates
2) proteins 3) lipids or fat 4) mineral salts
5) vitamins.
Some of the food items in which nutrients are found

Ragi: I have carbohydrates as the main nutrient. I give energy to the body.Due to the shortage of carbohydrates one has to suffer from weakness. Example Fruits and vegetables. Lean meats, fish, whole grains, dairy, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Cow beans:I have a lot of protein. I help in the growth of your body proteins are present in some other food items also.Example of protein
- Fish and seafood – fish, prawns, crab, lobster, mussels, oysters, scallops, clams.
- eggs.
- dairy products – milk, yoghurt (especially Greek yoghurt), cheese (especially Cottage cheese).
Butter:It has high fat content. Groundnut oil,coconut oil,sesame oil, ghee also have high fat content.
We must eat all vegetables, greens and fruits. As they are rich in mineral salts and vitamins, they protect you from diseases and keep you healthy.

A vitamin is an organic molecule that is an essential micro nutrient which an organism needs in small quantities for the proper functioning of its metabolism.
Some of the vitamins
Vitamin A:Green and yellow vegetables, fruits, leafy vegetables,carrot, butter, ghee,milk and egg.
preserves good eye sight, skin and teeth.
Vitamin B:Wheat, ragi, black gram, greens,germinated grains.protects skin, heart and digestive
Vitamin C:orange, lemon,tomato, raw vegetables, gooseberry, apple pineapple germinated grains.
protects teeth and gums.
Vitamin D: Cod liver oil, when sun rays fall on the skin vitamin D is produced. protects bones
and teeth.
Balanced Diet food

It is not so You should eat all these food items daily in the right proportion. It provides
the required amount of nutrients to the body. The food which provides all the nutrients to
our body in a required proportion is called balanced diet. Besides you should drink
4 to 5 glasses of water daily.
Food which causes illness
Once the animals touch the food item, it becomes contaminated. We shouldn’t eat such food.
Children fall ill by eating the food exposed in a fair. It is confirmed that contaminated food is the cause. The children who ate the food which was contaminated by flies andcockroaches are suffering from vomiting and dysentry.
Shops where eatables are kept uncovered Those house flies are sitting on the rubbish. They fly and sit on the sweets also.
If we eat such food, we get diseases like cholera. So we should always cover the food with plates
to avoid insects sitting on them. The vessels in which we store water for cooking and drinking should be covered. Care should be taken to avoid pollution of water.Hands should be washed before eating.
We shouldn’t eat stale food. We should wash the vegetables and raw fruits before
eating them. Fruits should be cut to pieces just before eating. Vegetables should not be food.
over cooked. Over cooking destroys the nutrients present in them. Food, if boiled well, will be soft and it digests easily. The germs present in them will also be killed.Eat hot food. Don’t eat oily, fried and too spicy food.
Fill in the blanks.
- The nutrients in food are Carbohydrates,proteins, lipids or fats, Mineral salts and vitamins.
- The nutrient present in grains is carbohydrate, protein
- We should drink a minimum of over 2 liters of water every day.
- Night blindness is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin A.
- Orange is rich in vitamin C.
Write the reasons for the following statements.
1.We should not eat contaminated food.
Ans:Because t is confirmed that contaminated food is the cause. The children who ate the food which was contaminated by flies and cockroaches are suffering from vomiting and dysentry.
2.We should eat balanced food
Ans:You should eat all these food items daily in the right proportion. It provides
the required amount of nutrients to the body. The food which provides all the nutrients to
our body in a required proportion.
3.We should cover the prepared food items properly
Ans: Because If we eat such food, we get diseases like cholera. So we should always cover the food with plates to avoid insects sitting on them. The vessels in which we store water for cooking and drinking should be covered. Care should be taken to avoid pollution of water.Hands should be washed before eating.
4.We should not eat food and cut fruits, kept open and sold on the road side.
Ans:Because we should not eat food and cut fruits, kept open and sold on the road side.
Match the vitamins and their uses.
Vitamin A:Preserves eye sight and skin
Vitamin B:Protects heart and digestive system
Vitamin C :Protects teeth and gums.
Vitamin D :Protects bones and teeth