You Won’t Believe What Happens to Light After It Leaves the Sun! (Take the Photon Quiz!)

Think you know light? Think again! Take this quiz and discover the mind-blowing journey of a photon, a tiny packet of light energy.

Question 1: Where are photons BORN?

  • A) Inside light bulbs
  • B) In a photographer’s camera
  • C) During nuclear fusion in stars like our Sun

Question 2: How long can a photon bounce around inside the Sun before escaping?

  • A) A few seconds
  • B) Thousands of years
  • C) 300,000 kilometers

Question 3: What happens to most photons when they reach Earth’s atmosphere?

  • A) They all get absorbed
  • B) They all pass right through
  • C) They scatter and interact with atoms

Question 4: What causes the beautiful blue sky?

  • A) Reflection from the Sun
  • B) Scattering of blue light waves by air molecules
  • C) Water vapor in the atmosphere

Question 5: How fast does a photon travel?

  • A) Faster than a speeding car ️
  • B) The speed of sound ️
  • C) The speed of light (almost 300,000 kilometers per second!)

Ready for the answers?

Scroll down to see if you were right!

Answer 1: C) During nuclear fusion in stars like our Sun

That’s right! Our star powerhouses create a ton of photons during this incredible process.

Answer 2: B) Thousands of years

It’s a tough escape for a tiny photon!

Answer 3: C) They scatter and interact with atoms

This interaction creates all sorts of cool phenomena, like the blue sky!

Answer 4: B) Scattering of blue light waves by air molecules

Blue light gets scattered more, making the sky appear blue.

Answer 5: C) The speed of light (almost 300,000 kilometers per second!)

That’s incredibly fast! Now you know why light seems instantaneous.

So how did you do? Share your score in the comments and challenge your friends!

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