Summary of go around the forest

Solved exercise of go around the forest


The forest is consisting of trees help create a special environment which, in turn, affects the kinds of animals and plants that can exist in the forest. Trees are an important component of the environment.

Forest consists of trees like teak, sandal wood, matti and honney trees. They are surrounded by
creepers with fragrant flowers.

The Monkeys swinging and snakes crawling on the trees. Look at the herds of elephants and deer.

Trees provide shade for all and there are Sweet fruits.How big and
beautiful is forest! This is my sweet home.


Answer the following questions in brief

1.What is a forest ? Write your opinion

Ans:The forest is consisting of trees help create a special environment which, in turn, affects the kinds of animals and plants that can exist in the forest. Trees are an important component of the environment.

  1. Write the name of 5 plants that grow generally in forests.

Ans:Teak, sandal wood, matti,Jamboo tree and Banyan tree.

3.Write the name of 5 animals that live in forests.

Ans: Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Deer, Snake.

4.Name 5 fruits that are available in forests.

Ans:Gooseberries, golden currants, elderberries, chokeberries, persimmons, pawpaws and plums.

5.Write 5 uses of forests.


  • Fuelwood. For the rural population, wood is an important source of energy for cooking and heating. …
  • Fodder. Fodder from the forest forms an important source for cattle and other grazing animals in the hilly and the arid regions and during a drought. …
  • Wind breaks and shelter belts. …
  • Soil erosion check. …
  • Soil improvement.
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