Smart Phones- Part 1
Smartphones are a great portal for knowledge, but when people do not know how to use them, those very devices do more harm to the inner wellbeing of a person, young and old alike.

Nowadays smartphones offer advanced features such as the internet, email messenger, etc. When compared to normal Phones.
What is a Smart Phone?
A smartphone is a mobile phone its similar to the function of the computer but mobile phone are small which fits in our hand.
How come so small device can communicate many people around the world, and how does the smart phone’s work

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Mobile phones are used to transfer the call with the support of MSC (Mobile Switching Center) which contains the main information of your SIM card to transfer the call to the right person.
Some of the Components in Mobile that Supports the Call to Transfer.
When we want to communicate through the phone the voice is recorded by microphone here sound and pressure are converted into an electric signal.
MEMS Sensor
Once when the sound wave has been converted to an electric signal it is checked by a sensor inside the phone called MEMS Sensor, after sensor the electric wave of your voice is in analog which converts to digital form of zeros and ones, after being transformed it is sent to the antenna.
This helps in sending the digital signal of your voice in the form of electromagnetic waves and this transfer zero and one by modifying its amplitude, frequency, and period value.
The electromagnetic wave which has the information of your voice it’s able to receive the phone of the person to whom you want to talk, but these electromagnetic waves cannot travel along with distance due to the degree of the earth, in such cases, special antennas are installed and cellular radio tower are used to transmit electro Magnetic wave to the right person. This wave is collected by the antenna of the cell tower of the hexagonal area. The radio cell converts the wave into light passes the trans receives sends radio cell of destination.
The received signal transmits it in the form of electromagnetic waves to the mobile phone of the person you want to talk and this process goes on so your voice can now be heard by the receiver.
Uses of smart phones
- Sending and receiving Text and Emails
- Photo graph and multimedia message
- Registering contact
- Used for calculation, Currency, alarm, etc
- Using the browser you can browse
- Can play games video chat
- Used for goods and service
- Used for bar code scanning
- Used for creating high-quality photograph video
- Used to determine exact location GPS satellites
- And PDA that can make Voice calls
The majority of the smartphones runs on apple ios or Google Android whereas other use window phone or Blackberry most of the smartphone can run more than one program which can do things quicker and easier.
Smartphones can send and receive data much faster than older phones. And there are different generation ie 2G,3G 4G and more.
2G means second generation which was introduced in 1991 it has the speed of 56k bits.
3G was introduced in the 2000s its speed is about 200 kb to 14 Mb, most smartphones use 3G technology to make fast enough to use the internet and other data.
Now a days 4G networks are in many places with speed 100 Mb to 1 GB it is fast as computer networks that use Ethernet. , most smartphones introduced after 2010 use 4G including LTE in few places even 5G was introduced in 2019.