Computers for Beginner’s -Part 3
Functional Classification of computers
Computers are classified into 3 types depending on their functionality and data processing
- Analog,
- Digital, &
- Hybrid Computers
Analog computers
Analog computers handle or process information which is of physical nature or quantity Example temperature, Pressure Telephone lines frequency, etc. Analog component often serves as a solver of differential equations and other mathematically complex equations. They are used in scientific and industry aircraft. The advantage of the analog computer is they are the fastest computer.
Digital computer

Image By Venusianer, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
Digital computer process information which is in a binary or two state form namely zero and one. The digital component normally serves as the controller and provides logical and numerical operations; the advantage of this computer is it can store a lot of data and its very accurate.
Digital is further classified into many types
- Super computer
- Main frame computers
- Mini computers
- Micro computers
Hybrid Computer

Hybrid Computers are specified designed computers with both digital and analog characteristics and combining the advantages of analog and digital computers. Hybrid computers are very speed and they and they can solve the big equation and the result are displayed within a short time.