I. Write True or false
- Santhosh told a lie before the teacher. (True)
- Santhosh forgot to eat snacks after coming from school. (False)
- Sandhya was the mother of Santhosh. (False)
- Suguna was studying in class two. (false)
- The teacher punished Santhosh after he had admitted his mistake (False)
II. Answer the following questions
1.Which class was Santhosh studying in?
Ans: Santhosh was studying in class IVth
2.Who was Sandhya?Why did Sandhya come to Santhosh’s house?
Ans:Sandhya was a cousin of santhosh she came to play with santhosh .
3.What did the teacher ask Santhosh in the class room?
Ans:The teacher asked him,Why haven’t you done your homework?”
4.Why did Santhosh not eat his food during lunch break?
Ans: Santhosh did not eat his food during lunch break because he had lied to the teacher.
5.What did Santhosh admit before the teacher?
Ans: Santhosh admit that he had lied to teacher in the morning. that he was sick. And played the whole evening and I did not do my homework, Please excuse me.
6.Why was the teacher happy at the end?
Ans:The teacher felt very happy because he has admit his mistake and told the truth.
III. Choose the right words given in the brackets and complete the sentences.
(grand-father, aunt, uncle, cousins, niece, grand-children,sister, nephew, brother, grand-mother)
My father’s brother is my :UNCLE
My father’s sister is my :AUNT
My uncle’s / aunt’s children are my: COUSIN
My brother’s/sister’s son is my : NEPHEW
My mother’s sister is my AUNT
My brother’s/sister’s daughter is my NIECE
My mother’s sister’s children are my BROTHER
My mother’s mother is my GRANDMOTHER